Customer Service Stars 2010

A recent online article outed certain big box retailers for their elusive adherence to price match policies. A Gallup poll cites only 19% of Americans have “confidence in big business”. ABC news reported more and more employees experience what they consider to be disregarded verbal contracts on the part of their employer, but simply choose to “live with it” because of uncertain employment prospects. Political pundits claim broken promises from the other side of the aisle, and even popular music is filled with lyrics about broken hearts and unfaithful love.

So when a company strives to differentiate itself by good old fashioned customer service and employee appreciation  – does that carry any weight with a society jaded from low expectations of making good on one’s word?


“Companies with value-based leadership is a force multiplier. Building trust in leadership expands, or multiplies, to trust between co-workers. This creates a more supportive and productive work environment, and produces exceptional business results.” * Harvard Business review – Nov. 18, 2010.

Here’s a list of 25 companies cited as Customer Service Champs for 2010 according to Bloomberg Business Week. Hats off to those organizations who strive to honor promises and innovate their industry.   Upholding these tenets as the foundation of how to run a business is what normal should be.